Beta - Known limitations & issues
This part of our app is still in beta and here are the known limitations. We will be solving them as we move forward, but in the meantime, please take note of them and workarounds (if any)
Desktop only
Currently the planning and posting options are only available on the desktop version. Mobile coming soon.
Multi upload not yet available
Currently images and videos need to be uploaded one by one. We are looking for a solution to upload multiple images.
Instagram Image tagging positionning
Currently user tagging on images in Instagram don't have positioning. The tags are placed in the middle of the image. We're working on a solution to allow you to position the tag on the image.
Twitter Storm (coming soon)
Twitter Storm or Twitter threads are the possibility to post several Tweets + answers as one post. This function will be developed and tested soon. We'll let you know as soon as it's available.
Tagging multiple images not working
Currently it's only possible to tag one image posts. Waiting for answer on multiple tagging option.
Last updated